Virtual Home Show

Strategic Partners

A keystone component of Residential Contract Management’s (RCM) educational outreach is the Virtual Home Show (VHS). The VHS serves as the main core of the business model for RCM,   showcasing  the numerous products that the residential marketplace has to offer. The VHS is systematically categorized from inception to culmination (or the “alpha and omega” of product education in home ownership), while allowing one of three selections, which are categorized as follows:

  • Builder’s Grade,
  • Green or Environmentally Friendly
  • The RCM selection. Best return on investment for the quality.

There are many great products by well known manufacturers that can get blocked from the end consumer for multiple reasons, including distribution channels, developer/builder preference, and low priced inferior products enticement. The VHS is where manufacturers can introduce and educate the future homeowner to their products that the homewoners never knew existed.

Strategic Partners will have the opportunity to assist in the education of the public on the largest purchase of their life, while sharing in marketing and distribution costs with RCM in ways that can lower their overall marketing budgets and cultivate manufacturer participation. Costs associated with print ads and television is high and is not specifically targeted to the interested homeowner/buyer, whereas RCM is a new paradigm and a much more targeted approach.

Strategic Partners may be a national utility companies, internet service providers, financial institutions, insurance companies, national manufacturers of home building products, etc., Strategic partners will assist with a new paradigm shift in the education process of home ownership while having the ability to market directly to the consumer with the most important planning phase of the home.

Strategic Partners may introduce information such as energy efficiencies, tax credit specialty programs availability, and most importantly, return on investment information.

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