Virtual Home Show ™

Virtual Home Show


Our Virtual Home Show (VHS), will allow you to draft your own product specification (spec) for your new home or remodel.

As you make your selections, from three choices of products, in each division of the construction process you will be able to complete your personal specification or Spec, of your new home or remodel.

Now you will be able to take your formal specification to an architect, designer or qualified home builder to complete your home with your personally selected products including:



Structural Framing Methods




Interior finishes

Heating & Air Conditioning

Equipment Requirements


There is no cost to you for the education of products on the V.H.S.

RCM will assist you.

You'll get what you want! Not what you're given!

And you should, save money in the process.


What is a Specification?

A Specification is a construction document that is a clear and concise interpretation of products, materials, equipment and procedures, formally communicated to another party to complete a task.
We have provided assistance in developing your own personal products specification, selected from materials & products in every segment of the building process.
The R.C.M. Virtual Home show, concept provides three researched products in 77 categories, to give you choices in quality and cost controls of your Home Planning.
After completion of the material and products selections you will be able to incorporate your completed product specification “SPEC “For short, into your "purchase offer's"
Or utilize your specification, too, commission your Architect, Designer or Professional Builder, which may then become a part of your legal binding contract to build your new home. This can also be implemented for Panelization and Modular Homes.
Your Personal Product Specifications may also be used for the remodeling of your existing homes.

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